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Addendum to J. Laursen 2024: Status, population trends and food selection in Denmark’s breeding owls 1960-2021

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 118. no. 2 2024

Supplement to: Status, population trends and food selection in Denmark’s breeding owls 1960-2021

Flere forfattere

Release year 2024


Appendix 1 for Thomas Kjær Christensen, Thomas Bregnballe 2024 Status of the Danish breeding population of Common Eider 2020

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 118. no. 1 2024

Supplement to: Status of the Danish breeding population of Common Eider 2020

Thomas Kjær Christensen, Thomas Bregnballe

Release year 2024


Appendix 1 to J. Laursen 2024: Status, population trends and food choice for Denmark's breeding owls approx. 1960-2021

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 118. no. 2 2024

Supplement to: Status, population trends and food selection in Denmark’s breeding owls 1960-2021

Jørgen Terp Laursen

Release year 2024


Appendix 1 to K. Hansen (2024) Moult in Common Whitethroat in a confined breeding population in relation to date, sex, breeding history and weight

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 118. no. 2 2024

Supplement to: Moult in Common Whitethroat in a confined breeding population in relation to date, sex, breeding history and weight

Kjeld Hansen

Release year 2024


Appendix 2 to K. Hansen (2024) Moult in Common Whitethroat in a confined breeding population in relation to date, sex, breeding history and weight

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 118. no. 2 2024

Supplement to: Moult in Common Whitethroat in a confined breeding population in relation to date, sex, breeding history and weight

Kjeld Hansen

Release year 2024


Appendix 1 DOFT 117 (2023) 37-46 J. Rabøl

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 1 2023

Supplement to: Displacement experiments in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2023


Appendix 1 Note on disturbance-sensitive forest bird species

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 1 2023

Supplement to: Debate 117, no. 1

Hans Meltofte

Release year 2023


Appendix 1 for Nielsen et al 2023 Annual October/November Razorbill aggregations off Northeast Djursland, Denmark

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 4 2023

Supplement to: Annual October/November Razorbill aggregations off Northeast Djursland, Denmark

Rasmus Due Nielsen, Jørgen Staarup Christensen, Anders Rasmussen, Timme Nyegaard, Ib Krag Petersen, Anthony D. Fox

Release year 2023


Appendix 1 for Ole Thorup, Erik Ehmsen, Thorkil Brandt 2023 Wintering Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in Denmark

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 3 2023

Supplement to: Wintering Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in Denmark

Ole Thorup, Erik Ehmsen, Thorkil Brandt

Release year 2023


Appendix 1 for Sørensen et al. 2023 Securing a future for Montagu’s Harrier as a Danish breeding bird

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 2 2023

Supplement to: Securing a future for Montagu’s Harrier as a Danish breeding bird? An analysis of 25 years of monitoring data

Iben Hove Sørensen, Lars Maltha Rasmussen, Timme Nyegaard

Release year 2023


Appendix 1 for Thomas Secher Jensen, Thorsten J. S. Balsby og Kent Olsen 2023 Changes in breeding bird populations in a Danish mixed wood 1966, 1973, and 1997-2020

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 3 2023

Supplement to: Changes in breeding bird populations in a Danish mixed wood 1966, 1973, and 1997-2020

Flere forfattere

Release year 2023


Appendix 1 to DOFT 117 (2023) 15-21 H. Meltofte et al.

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 1 2023

Supplement to: Children and young people's knowledge of common Danish bird species

Flere forfattere

Release year 2023


Appendix 2 DOFT 117 (2023) 37-46 J. Rabøl

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 1 2023

Supplement to: Displacement experiments in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2023


Appendix 2 for Thomas Secher Jensen, Thorsten J. S. Balsby og Kent Olsen 2023 Changes in breeding bird populations in a Danish mixed wood 1966, 1973, and 1997-2020

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 3 2023

Supplement to: Changes in breeding bird populations in a Danish mixed wood 1966, 1973, and 1997-2020

Flere forfattere

Release year 2023


Appendix 3 DOFT 117 (2023) 37-46 J. Rabøl

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 1 2023

Supplement to: Displacement experiments in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2023


Appendix 3 for Thomas Secher Jensen, Thorsten J. S. Balsby og Kent Olsen 2023 Changes in breeding bird populations in a Danish mixed wood 1966, 1973, and 1997-2020

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 3 2023

Supplement to: Changes in breeding bird populations in a Danish mixed wood 1966, 1973, and 1997-2020

Flere forfattere

Release year 2023


Appendix 4 DOFT 117 (2023) 37-46 J. Rabøl

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 1 2023

Supplement to: Displacement experiments in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2023


Appendix 4 for Thomas Secher Jensen, Thorsten J. S. Balsby og Kent Olsen 2023 Changes in breeding bird populations in a Danish mixed wood 1966, 1973, and 1997-2020

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 3 2023

Supplement to: Changes in breeding bird populations in a Danish mixed wood 1966, 1973, and 1997-2020

Flere forfattere

Release year 2023


Appendix 5 DOFT 117 (2023) 37-46 J. Rabøl

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 1 2023

Supplement to: Displacement experiments in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2023


Appendix 6 DOFT 117 (2023) 37-46 J. Rabøl

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 117. no. 1 2023

Supplement to: Displacement experiments in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2023


Appendix 1 for M. B. Christiansen & E. Pitter 2022: Jon – an inspiring supervisor

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 116. no. 4 2022

Supplement to: Jon - an inspiring supervisor

Mette Bohn Christiansen, Elin Pitter

Release year 2022


Appendix 1 to B. Kayser & F.P. Jensen 2022 Autumn migration of sea ducks at Gedser Odde 2009-20, DOFT 116 (2022) p. 9-16

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 116. no. 1 2022

Supplement to: Autumn migration of sea-ducks at Gedser Odde 2009-2020

Bo Kayser, Flemming Pagh Jensen

Release year 2022


Appendix 1 to J. Rabøl 2022 Magnetic orientation in night migrating passerines. DOFT 116 61-66

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 116. no. 2 2022

Supplement to: Magnetic orientation in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2022


Appendix 1 to Laursen, K. 2022: The diet of insectivorous bird species differs when staging spring and autumn in the same habitat. – Dansk Orn. Foren. Tidsskr. 116: 45-60.

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 116. no. 2 2022

Supplement to: The diet of insectivorous bird species differs when staging spring and autumn in the same habitat

Karsten Laursen

Release year 2022


Appendix 2 to J. Rabøl 2022 Magnetic orientation in night migrating passerines. DOFT 116 61-66

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 116. no. 2 2022

Supplement to: Magnetic orientation in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2022


Appendix 3 to J. Rabøl 2022 Magnetic orientation in night migrating passerines. DOFT 116 61-66

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 116. no. 2 2022

Supplement to: Magnetic orientation in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2022


Appendix 4 to J. Rabøl 2022 Magnetic orientation in night migrating passerines. DOFT 116 61-66

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 116. no. 2 2022

Supplement to: Magnetic orientation in night migrating passerines

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2022


The Framework Strategy 2022 - 2025


Release year 2022


Appendix 1 to Bregnballe & Thorup 2021: Monitoring of breeding Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus abundance: comparing effects of count method and observer

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 115. no. 4 2021

Supplement to: Monitoring of breeding Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus abundance: comparing effects of count method and observer

Thomas Bregnballe, Ole Thorup

Release year 2021


Appendix 1 to Thorup & Bregnballe 2021: Changes in distribution and abundance of breeding Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Denmark and neighbouring countries

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 115. no. 4 2021

Supplement to: Changes in distribution and abundance of breeding Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Denmark and neighbouring countries

Ole Thorup, Thomas Bregnballe

Release year 2021


Appendix 2 to Bregnballe & Thorup 2021: Monitoring of breeding Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus abundance: comparing effects of count method and observer

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 115. no. 4 2021

Supplement to: Monitoring of breeding Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus abundance: comparing effects of count method and observer

Thomas Bregnballe, Ole Thorup

Release year 2021


Appendix 1 - Heldbjerg et al. 2020. DOFT 114

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 114 no. 4 2020

Supplement to: The distribution of Danish breeding birds a century ago and today

Flere forfattere

Release year 2020


Appendix 1: for Berg, P. & T. Bregnballe 2020: Spring migration of Common Eiders through the Femern Bælt 2009-19: The cycle of migration and development in number and gender composition

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 114 no. 2 2020

Supplement to: Spring migration of Common Eider Somateria mollissima through Fehmarn Belt: Timing of migration and changes in numbers and sex ratio (Summary)

Flere forfattere

Release year 2020


Appendix 1: for Thellesen P.V. 2020: A historical flashback of the breeding population of White Stork in Denmark 1900-2018

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 114 no. 2 2020

Supplement to: A historical flashback of the breeding population of White Stork in Denmark 1900-2018

Flere forfattere

Release year 2020


Appendix 2 Heldbjerg et al. 2020. DOFT 114

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 114 no. 4 2020

Supplement to: The distribution of Danish breeding birds a century ago and today

Henning Heldbjerg, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Thomas Vikstrøm, Nina Yasmin Ali

Release year 2020


Breeding biology and population dynamics of a colonial seabird The Razorbill

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 114 no. 3 2020

Supplement to: Breeding biology and population dynamics of a colonial seabird: The Razorbill

Peter Lyngs

Release year 2020


Appendix 1 for Rabøl 2019: Dominance and calibration of magnetic, sunset and stellar compasses in cue conflict experiments with night-migrating passerines

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 113 nr. 1 2019

Supplement to: Dominance and calibration of magnetic, sunset and stellar compasses in cue conflict experiments with night-migrating passerines (Summary)

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2019


Appendix 1 for Østergaard, E., O. Olesen, K. Dichmann, D. Nestved & H. Tøttrup 2019: The breeding population of Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in Denmark

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 113 nr. 1 2019

Supplement to: The breeding population of Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in Denmark (Summary)

Flere forfattere

Release year 2019


Appendix 2 for Østergaard, E., O. Olesen, K. Dichmann, D. Nestved & H. Tøttrup 2019: The breeding population of Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in Denmark

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 113 nr. 1 2019

Supplement to: The breeding population of Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in Denmark (Summary)

Flere forfattere

Release year 2019


Appendix 1

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 1 2018

Supplement to: The Danish Golden Eagle choices during the breeding season 2005-16 (Summary)

Jan Tøttrup Nielsen

Release year 2018


Appendix 1 for Andersen, E.S. 2018

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 1 2018

Supplement to: Improved assessment of breeding populations of Wryneck (Summary)

Esben Sloth Andersen

Release year 2018


Appendix 1 to Andersen, Flensted-Jensen & Nielsen 2018: A method for studying preferences in food fed to Northern Wryneck Jynx torquilla nestlings

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 3 2018

Supplement to: A method for studying preferences in food fed to Northern Wryneck Jynx torquilla nestlings

Esben Sloth Andersen, Einar Flensted-Jensen, Mogens Gissel Nielsen

Release year 2018


Appendix 1 to Heldbjerg, H., A.D. Fox and T. Vikstrøm 2018: How can we improve citizen science based bird monitoring in Denmark?

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 3 2018

Supplement to: How can we improve citizen science based bird monitoring in Denmark

Anthony D. Fox, Henning Heldbjerg, Thomas Vikstrøm

Release year 2018


Appendix 1: for Erritzøe et al. 2018: Birds killed on roads in Southern Jutland, Denmark, 2001-2008.

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 4 2018

Supplement to: Birds killed on roads in Southern Jutland, Denmark, 2001-2008

Flere forfattere

Release year 2018


Appendix 2 to Heldbjerg, H., A.D. Fox and T. Vikstrøm 2018: How can we improve citizen science based bird monitoring in Denmark?

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 3 2018

Supplement to: How can we improve citizen science based bird monitoring in Denmark

Anthony D. Fox, Henning Heldbjerg, Thomas Vikstrøm

Release year 2018


Appendix 2: for Erritzøe et al. 2018: Birds killed on roads in Southern Jutland, Denmark, 2001-2008

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 4 2018

Supplement to: Birds killed on roads in Southern Jutland, Denmark, 2001-2008

Flere forfattere

Release year 2018


Appendix 3 to Heldbjerg, H., A.D. Fox and T. Vikstrøm 2018: How can we improve citizen science based bird monitoring in Denmark?

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 3 2018

Supplement to: How can we improve citizen science based bird monitoring in Denmark

Anthony D. Fox, Henning Heldbjerg, Thomas Vikstrøm

Release year 2018


Appendix 3: for Erritzøe et al. 2018: Birds killed on roads in Southern Jutland, Denmark, 2001-2008.

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 112 nr. 4 2018

Supplement to: Birds killed on roads in Southern Jutland, Denmark, 2001-2008

Flere forfattere

Release year 2018


Appendix 1, Breeding habitat preferences of Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola in Danish Special Protection Areas

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 111 nr. 1 2017

Supplement to: Breeding habitat preferences of Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola in Danish Special Protection Areas

Steffen Larni Nielsen, Bjarke Madsen, Thomas Eske Holm

Release year 2017


Appendix 1, False decline in bird populations due to bird counter’s hearing loss?

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 111 nr. 2 2017

Supplement to: False decline in bird populations due to bird counters’ hearing loss?

Bo Kayser

Release year 2017


Appendix 1, The new BLI-publication expands the focus on managing protective bird species in Denmark

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 111 nr. 3 2017

Supplement to: Bird Conservation

Release year 2017


Appendix 2, Breeding habitat preferences of Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola in Danish Special Protection Areas

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 111 nr. 1 2017

Supplement to: Breeding habitat preferences of Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola in Danish Special Protection Areas

Steffen Larni Nielsen, Bjarke Madsen, Thomas Eske Holm

Release year 2017


Appendix 2, The new BLI-publication expands the focus on managing protective bird species in Denmark

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 111 nr. 3 2017

Supplement to: Bird Conservation

Release year 2017


Appendix 3, Breeding habitat preferences of Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola in Danish Special Protection Areas

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 111 nr. 1 2017

Supplement to: Breeding habitat preferences of Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola in Danish Special Protection Areas

Steffen Larni Nielsen, Bjarke Madsen, Thomas Eske Holm

Release year 2017


EU agricultural subsidies: Denmark should choose full flexibility now

13 grønne danske NGO'er

Release year 2017


Letter to Prime Minister Beata Szydło

Sigrid Andersen

Release year 2017


The Framework Strategy 2017 - 2020


Release year 2017


Appendix 1: The breeding birds of the Strødam Reserve near Copenhagen 1986-2014

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 110 nr. 2 2016

Supplement to: The breeding birds of the Strødam Reserve near Copenhagen 1986-2014

Hans Meltofte, Benny Gert Hansen, Frank F. Rigét, Torben Dabelsteen

Release year 2016


Appendix 1: The breeding birds on FVF Reserves through 2015

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 110 nr. 3 2016

Supplement to: Birds, nature conservation and surveillance in the reserves

Erik Mandrup Jakobsen

Release year 2016


Appendix 2: The staging birds on FVF Reserves through 2015

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 110 nr. 3 2016

Supplement to: Birds, nature conservation and surveillance in the reserves

Erik Mandrup Jakobsen

Release year 2016


Appendix 2a: The breeding birds of the Strødam Reserve near Copenhagen 1986-2014

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 110 nr. 2 2016

Supplement to: The breeding birds of the Strødam Reserve near Copenhagen 1986-2014

Benny Gert Hansen, Frank F. Rigét, Hans Meltofte, Torben Dabelsteen

Release year 2016


Appendix 2b: The breeding birds of the Strødam Reserve near Copenhagen 1986-2014

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 110 nr. 2 2016

Supplement to: The breeding birds of the Strødam Reserve near Copenhagen 1986-2014

Hans Meltofte, Benny Gert Hansen, Frank F. Rigét, Torben Dabelsteen

Release year 2016


Appendix 3 - SU species on FVF reserves, until 12-03-2016

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 110 nr. 3 2016

Supplement to: Birds, nature conservation and surveillance in the reserves

Erik Mandrup Jakobsen

Release year 2016


The national surveys: Methods and coverage

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 3 2015

Supplement to: Development of the breeding population of Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta in Denmark 1970-2014

Thomas Bregnballe, Ole Thorup, Lars Bo Jacobsen, Jørgen Peter Kjeldsen, Mogens Hansen

Release year 2015


Appendix 1, Changes in the breeding population of Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus in Denmark 1970-2010

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 4 2015

Supplement to: Changes in the breeding population of Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus in Denmark 1970-2010 (Summary)

Thomas Bregnballe, Hans Erik Jørgensen, Hans Christensen , Jan Drachmann

Release year 2015


Appendix 1: Overview of approved and disapproved finds of rare birds in Denmark before 1965

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 2 2015

Supplement to: Revised status for rare birds recorded in Denmark before 1965

Jørgen Staarup Christensen, Palle Ambech Frænde Rasmussen

Release year 2015


Appendix 2. Regional changes in numbers of breeding Black-headed Gulls within Denmark

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 4 2015

Supplement to: Changes in the breeding population of Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus in Denmark 1970-2010 (Summary)

Thomas Bregnballe, Hans Erik Jørgensen, Hans Christensen , Jan Drachmann

Release year 2015


Appendix 2: Black Stork: Overview of breeding sites and regional occurrence 1820-1929

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 2 2015

Supplement to: Revised status for rare birds recorded in Denmark before 1965

Jørgen Staarup Christensen, Palle Ambech Frænde Rasmussen

Release year 2015


Appendix 3. Uncertainties and comparisons with other estimates of breeding numbers and trends in the breeding population of Black-headed Gulls in Denmark

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 4 2015

Supplement to: Changes in the breeding population of Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus in Denmark 1970-2010 (Summary)

Thomas Bregnballe, Hans Erik Jørgensen, Hans Christensen , Jan Drachmann

Release year 2015


Appendix. Revision of the Danish bird list as of 2013

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 1 2015

Supplement to: Revision of the Danish bird list as of 2013

Troels Eske Ortvad, Jan Hjort Christensen, Tim Hesselballe Hansen, Andreas Bruun Kristensen, Kent Olsen, Knud Pedersen, Palle Ambech Frænde Rasmussen, Michael Schwalbe

Release year 2015


Development of breeding numbers within regions

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 3 2015

Supplement to: Development of the breeding population of Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta in Denmark 1970-2014

Thomas Bregnballe, Ole Thorup, Lars Bo Jacobsen, Jørgen Peter Kjeldsen, Mogens Hansen

Release year 2015


Factors affecting the estimated numbers of breeding pairs

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 3 2015

Supplement to: Development of the breeding population of Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta in Denmark 1970-2014

Thomas Bregnballe, Ole Thorup, Lars Bo Jacobsen, Jørgen Peter Kjeldsen, Mogens Hansen

Release year 2015


Future monitoring of the breeding population

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 3 2015

Supplement to: Development of the breeding population of Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta in Denmark 1970-2014

Thomas Bregnballe, Ole Thorup, Lars Bo Jacobsen, Jørgen Peter Kjeldsen, Mogens Hansen

Release year 2015


Go birdwatching with Birdlife Denmark

Eva Svendsen

Release year 2015


Keep the Danish meadows

Jens Gregersen

Release year 2015


Status and trends for Denmark's internationally important bird areas (IBAs). Appendix

Supplement to: Status and trends for Denmark's internationally important bird areas (IBAs)

Thomas Vikstrøm, Heidi Thomsen, Malou Fenger, Michael Fink Jørgensen, Timme Nyegaard

Release year 2015


Winter birds in Danish gardens. Appendix 1

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 109 nr. 4 2015

Supplement to: Winter birds in Danish gardens (Summary)

Hans Meltofte, Jørn Dyhrberg Larsen

Release year 2015


Appendix 1. Experiments on Endelave autumn 2005

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 108 nr. 4 2014

Supplement to: Do migrant European chats and warblers use magnetic gradient navigation?

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2014


Appendix 1. Habitat selection of the bird species during breeding season based on Stampe (2005)

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 108 nr. 1 2014

Supplement to: Rare and threatened breeding birds in Denmark 1998-2012 (Summary)

Flere forfattere

Release year 2014


Appendix 1. Numbers of breeding pairs of Herring Gull in the 10 largest colonies in Denmark in 1974, 1988, 1996 and 2010, respectively (Summary)

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 108 nr. 3 2014

Supplement to: Population development of the Herring Gull Larus argentatus in Denmark 1920-2012 (Summary)

Thomas Bregnballe, Peter Lyngs

Release year 2014


Appendix 2. Annual and total growth (%) in the breeding population of Herring Gulls in different coastal regions and larger areas in Denmark during three periods between 1974 and 2010 (Summary)

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 108 nr. 3 2014

Supplement to: Population development of the Herring Gull Larus argentatus in Denmark 1920-2012 (Summary)

Thomas Bregnballe, Peter Lyngs

Release year 2014


Appendix 2. Investigations indicating or claiming magnetic navigation

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 108 nr. 4 2014

Supplement to: Do migrant European chats and warblers use magnetic gradient navigation?

Jørgen Rabøl

Release year 2014


Appendix 2. Species parameters used in the statistical tests

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 108 nr. 1 2014

Supplement to: Rare and threatened breeding birds in Denmark 1998-2012 (Summary)

Flere forfattere

Release year 2014


Appendix 3. Number of localities with known or estimated occurrence of breeding Herring Gulls in the 16 regions in selected years (Summary)

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 108 nr. 3 2014

Supplement to: Population development of the Herring Gull Larus argentatus in Denmark 1920-2012 (Summary)

Thomas Bregnballe, Peter Lyngs

Release year 2014


Appendix 4. Developments in the regions as well as in cities and inland

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 108 nr. 3 2014

Supplement to: Population development of the Herring Gull Larus argentatus in Denmark 1920-2012 (Summary)

Thomas Bregnballe, Peter Lyngs

Release year 2014


Appendix 1 Number of breeding pairs 1970-2012 of Common Terns at 15 important localities or areas

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 107 nr. 4 2013

Supplement to: Population development of Common Tern Sterna hirundo in Denmark, 1970-2012 (Summary)

Thomas Bregnballe, Hans Erik Jørgensen

Release year 2013


Appendix 1 Use of an objective indicator species selection method shows decline in bird populations in Danish habitats

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 107 nr. 2 2013

Supplement to: Use of an objective indicator species selection method shows decline in bird populations in Danish habitats

Anne Eskildsen, Jørn Dyhrberg Larsen, Henning Heldbjerg

Release year 2013


Appendix 1. Danish breeding bird species 1800 - 2012 in selected cutting years

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 107 nr. 4 2013

Supplement to: The development in the number of breeding bird species in Denmark 1800-2012 (Summary)

Tom S. Romdal, Lars Dinesen, Michael B. Grell

Release year 2013


Appendix 1. Danish breeding bird species 1800-2012

Supplement to: DOFT vol. 107 nr. 4 2013

Supplement to: The development in the number of breeding bird species in Denmark 1800-2012 (Summary)

Tom S. Romdal, Lars Dinesen, Michael B. Grell

Release year 2013



13 grønne danske NGO'er

Release year 1951
