Front page DOFT

DOFT vol. 68 nr. 2 1974

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Population density and nestling production in a population of Swallows Hirundo rustica (L.), 1971-73 (Summary)

81 - 86

Anders Pape Møller

Release year: 1974


Notes on the Food of the Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus in North-east Greenland in 1972

87 - 90

R. W. Summers, G. H. Green

Release year: 1974


Nest and nest site of the Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus - and some comparisons with the Goshawk A. gentilis (Summary)

91 - 115

Poul Hald-Mortensen

Release year: 1974


Sea-bird Transects between Europe and Rio Plate, South America, in Autumn 1973

117 - 137

M. P. Harris, Lindhard Hansen

Release year: 1974


Report of the Rarities Committee for 1973 (Summary)

138 - 144

Erik Hansen, Per Schiermacher Hansen, Bent Pors Nielsen

Release year: 1974


Short communications - vol. 68 nr. 2

145 - 150

Flere forfattere

Release year: 1974


Book Reviews - vol. 68 nr. 2

151 - 154

Flere forfattere

Release year: 1974


Index for vol. 68, 1974

155 - 156

Flere forfattere

Release year: 1974
